Day 322

My path has not been determined. I shall have more experiences and pass many more milestones. – Agnetha Faltskog

It’s 8: 58 PM on day 322 of my journey towards independence and I’ve managed to feed myself an oranges for breakfast, brush my teeth, hang out with my brother and cheer him on as he blew up a balloon – he came back home after a five day hospital stay and the physiotherapist suggested he blew up balloons to increase his lung capacity –feed myself rice and curry for lunch, watch TV, tweet about my Clean Water For All Campaign – no luck – feed myself an avocado sandwich for dinner and brush my teeth once more.

As you may or may not know today is the official first anniversary of this blog – I say official because I actually started this blog on July 11, 2010 but back I was interviewing women around the world to see what they’re lives which suffice to say didn’t work out – and in honour of that I would like to thank everyone for reading and share with you some of the comments – including those I’ve received via Facebook and Twitter – people have made about this blog over the past 365 days. Take a look:

The things you said that took my
breath away: Best comments of the past year


Submitted on 2010/08/25 at 8:40 pm Nisha, I am touched that I got a mention. I appreciate it more than you would know. Your influence on my life is unmeasurable. You have lifted my spirits today.I want to thankyou for being you, for thinking of others and for helping all those less fortunate through your wonderful Clean Water 4 All CampaignLaura xx
Wayne Mansfield

Submitted on 2010/09/14 at 11:26 am Nisha I am so proud of you… and I wish you every success on the journey to reclaim yourself.When the cards are dealt you didn’t get all the usual picture cards… that would be too easy wouldn’t it. You got the “hey world… look at me!! I wont lie down and be walked on.”I would like to add some $$$’s to your water project – please resend me the link so I can do that tonight.

Your Aussie friend



Submitted on 2010/12/04 at 1:28 pm Nisha – you totally inspire even a handicapped guy like myself; know that you are loved for what you do, as well as your attitude – ❤ -db
Miss Sara

Submitted on 2011/01/11 at 3:46 am Just WOW… Congrats on taking something that must have been so hurtful & turning it into a positive. I never struggled w/ allowing ppl to define me, it was always my past… the family that I came from, the abuse, chaos, traumas, etc.,etc., etc., I became ashamed and I learned last year (in therapy) that shame
was keeping me sick… so I have been stepping out in who I am TODAY &
being thankful, too. *Big Hugs* to you!!!

Submitted on 2011/02/24 at 6:54 pm You have a very good question. Many of us are considered “normal”, yet what is normal… Though we may not have an outward or physical disability, we are all disabled in some way, for me it is “financial disability”. Yet, the experiences I have(past and present), motivate and inspire me to share with others faith and hope… You are an inspiration to me and many will benefit from your incredible perseverance , you have chosen wisely. Keep up the good works. Warmth & Joy, Leticia

Submitted on 2011/03/14 at 1:17 pm Truly a wonderful post Nisha.When we are surrounded by those who are anything less than caring it may very well cause us to feel uncared for, unwanted, and maybe even unloved at times. We have all experienced this at a time in our lives. Having esteem in ourselves can carry us through, so true.Given the same experience, I may ask to be taken home and not left in a car and hope that my needs, wants and desires will be respected
Patricia – Spiritual Journey Of A Lightworker

Submitted on 2011/04/07 at 7:26 pm Nisha, you are a true inspiration. You show others what is possible. Often our attitude toward God and our own lives is the only thing that we can change. I have been to southern India 3 times and know how important clean water is. Thank you for the work that you do
A tweet sent to me by Tana Lopez (@woveneye3) on 2011/05/04 Reading this changed my whole day, my whole week, and perhaps even more. Wow, talk about inspirational!! @Nisha360
Ellen – Love That Max

Submitted on 2011/05/11 at 5:55 pm SO glad to know you. You’ve already inspired me. I am so psyched you’re making good headway
with contributions to the water project.
Did I mention you rock?
An excerpt from a message that Galen Gregory sent me on 2011/05/12 via Facebook

Hi, Nisha, thanks for accepting my friend request. I am really enjoying your blog. When I first read your introduction, I have to say my heart soared. I’ve met so many young people who lead very self-centered lives and sometimes I get very pessimistic about the future because of that. So when I read your story, it really lifted my spirits to know that there are young people who want to help others and make a the world a better place.When you are stuck at home, perhaps you can think how you are making a difference in people’s lives in distant places…not only the people you will help with clean water, but the people who are inspired or given hope by your work. In that way, you’ve already made your mark in St.Louis, Missouri, USA. :>)

Yours truly,


Stan Faryna

Submitted on 2011/05/28 at 7:27 pm Nisha Varghese,Your voice walks the earth. Your work touches the hearts of people in far away lands. You inspire others and in so doing, you heal broken people and a broken world. From a wheelchair.Those who pity you are in need of more healing than you. For they are blind.

Stan Faryna

28 May 2011

Bucharest, Romania

P.S. Print this comment and tape it to your bedroom door. So all who may come to look with pity upon you, have a chance to be healed themselves.


Submitted on 2011/06/05 at 8:34 pm You’re my new hero, Nisha. Thanks for inspiring me and being the change you are.
An excerpt from a message that Bonnie Squi sent me on 2011/06/06 via Facebook

 Hi Nisha

I hope you don’t take this the wrong way but when i read your blogs they make me smile and laugh. Reason being is because of my rite arm being fracture twice and the bone thinning plus arthritis in it and it shakes all the time

.I have trouble opening things and our kids want to do it open what ever i’m trying to open. I look at them and say i’m not helpless. Just knowing i’m not the only one going threw things like this makes it so much easier to cope. Because others don’t understand what your going threw.

Have a wonderful day my friend


Shasta Kearns Mooreo


Submitted on 2011/06/23 at 7:39 pm Hey thanks forthe mention and thanks for allowing me to find your blog. I love it! Very nicely written. It gives me hope for how well-written my own son might be one day.Being a parent is immensely hard. You don’t ever get to “win” because what is a “successful” person? Defining success is very different now that I am faced with a son with a disability. Cut your mom some slack! Then remind her that love is the most important thing.Good luck with our campaign, too. I retweeted about it!
Betsy Cross

What fun! That you’re documenting your journey through the things most (if not all) of us take for granted.I can’t remember the person who posted this (Stan Frayna?), but the name of the blog cracks me up! “If God Is Watching I Plan on Being Entertaining”. That’s THE best! Good luck on your journey. I hope it has turned into a little bit of fun. Pain is the worst. Chronic pain worse than that! You made me smile. You have a fun spirit.


Are we connecting on Twitter? If not, say hi at

If you’ve given to my cause or you can’t give now, please help me by sharing my cause with others. You can tweet about it like my friend Stan Faryna. This is the tweet he uses: @Nisha360 is a brave, smart young woman trying to make a better world for us all. Please help her do an amazing thing.

Stan’s very sweet for saying so, but feel free to write what reflects you best.

Thanks to all my friends out there who are helping me make my dream come true: to make a better world for all of us!

6 responses to “Day 322

  1. Hey Nisha. I just discovered your blog today via Bonnie’ll get no tea and sympathy from me. You don’t want it, neither do you need it. Your amazing. Keep taking steps each day towards living an abundant life, and inspiring all those who cross your path. In fact..jump in their paths! Don’t let them miss you. I’m going to go check out your clean water project to..and will be sharing that with my followers on Twitter. Glad to make your connection

    • Thank you for the compliment and thank for not giving me “tea and sympathy” you’re one of the few people who don’t LOL 🙂

      Yours truly,

  2. Thanks Nisha for mentioning me and once again, for the tuesday morning inspiration 🙂 Have a great day!

  3. Hi Nisha

    Thank you for the mention in your blog.
    It is an honor. I’m honored to have you
    as my friend.

    I’m so glad you are keeping going with
    your clean water.

    You have changed my life for the better.

    Keep going Keep on

    Hugs Bonnie

    PS This has been a very special day for me.

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